Safeguarding the Northern bobwhite quail: A Call to Landowners
by Max Mazoch
Photo courtesy of Mike Kelly.
The Northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) is an iconic Texas upland game bird, beloved for its distinct call and aesthetic appeal. Over the years, the northern bobwhite’s population has dramatically decreased across the state, dropping an estimated 85 percent since the 1960s. Despite these alarming rates, Texas landowners have the power to make a major impact and ensure that the northern bobwhite can be appreciated by future generations.
Identification and Behavior
The Northern bobwhite is easily recognized by its intricate black, white, and brown feather pattern and short, rounded body. Males boast a bold black-and-white head pattern, while females display lighter brown, striped head patterns. Northern bobwhites have short, rounded wings and tails, which make flying challenging. As a result, they are more comfortable on the ground and typically only take to the air when disturbed.
Northern bobwhites are social birds, often spending their entire lives in groups of 6–25 quail, known as a covey. They are also known for their distinct vocalizations, each serving a specific purpose. The most notable call, and the source of their name, is their “poor bob-white” mating call.
Habitat and Diet
Photo courtesy of Greg Lavaty.
The northern bobwhite can be found throughout Texas, with a presence in all 10 of the state’s ecoregions. They often live near bodies of water, favoring dense native tree thickets that provide ample ground cover. This type of habitat offers protection, as well as quick access to water, nesting sites, and food.
The northern bobwhite’s diet primarily consists of seeds, grains, and forbs, such as ragweed and sunflower. During the spring and summer months, they also consume insects as a source of protein.
Population Decline
Photo courtesy of Greg Lavaty.
Despite their cultural and ecological significance, the Northern Bobwhite’s population is decreasing at an alarming rate due to several factors:
Habitat Loss: The primary reason for their decline is habitat loss. Ground cover is essential for the northern bobwhite’s nesting habits. Land fragmentation, overgrazing, and the conversion of native shrubland to grasslands have all contributed to the loss of this vital resource.
Invasive Species: Introduced species, such as wild boars and fire ants, prey on quail eggs and chicks during the nesting season, further threatening the species.
Disease and Parasites: Recent outbreaks of diseases and parasites, such as eye worm parasites, have had significant impacts on the northern bobwhite’s population.
How Landowners Can Help
Texas landowners play a critical role in preserving the northern bobwhite. Since habitat loss is the predominant factor affecting their population, healthy land management practices are essential for the species’ survival. With 90% of Texas land privately owned, landowners have a unique opportunity to secure a bright future for this iconic bird.
The Coastal Prairie Conservancy (CPC) is proud to support landowners through the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative (TGSI) and the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative (TCPI). These programs enable landowners to permanently preserve their working and natural lands through voluntary conservation easements. By participating in these initiatives, landowners can help maintain Texas’s natural legacy and ecological integrity, ensuring that species like the northern bobwhite continue to be cherished for generations to come.
Cornell LAb of Ornithology. (n.d.). Northern Bobwhite Identification,. All About Birds.,a%20buffy%20throat%20and%20eyebrow.&text=Northern%20Bobwhites%20travel%20in%20coveys,one%20shrubby%20patch%20to%20another.
Ferguson, W. (2019). Can the Bobwhite Quail be Saved?. Texas Monthly.
Frank, M., James, A., Gobeli, A., Hardin, J., Perez, R., & Cathy, J. (2018). Potential causes of the Texas quail decline - education. Texas A&M Natural Resources Council.
TAMU Agrilife Extension Wildlife & Fisheries. (n.d) Northern Bobwhites.
Telfair, R. (2007). Northern Bobwhite. TAMU Agrilife Research.
TPWD. (n.d.). Bobwhite Quail Management in the Texas Panhandle.,Young%20quail%20eat%20predominantly%20insects.